allowed entry at 2:46 pm
No words can describe how much I miss you. I miss you every day and every night without fail.
You would've meant the world to me. The greatest gift I could've received.
I'm so sorry.

Mohammad Aryl Rizqie Bin Mohammad Sham.
You're the living reminder of one of the darkest moments in my life. You'll also remind me of the endless possibilities and the different life I could've led.
Everytime you look me in the eyes, my heart sinks. It's like you're looking straight into my soul. It's almost like you can read everything that goes through my mind.
Despite all that, when you're in my arms, you make me forget everything else in the world. And in that moment, it feels like there's only the two of us.
I ♥ you with all my heart.
"Live life with no regrets" is a common phrase I hear. Everytime I do, it reminds me that I've been living a life full of regrets.
Only God knows how I feel and all the things I think about. And He's the only one I turn to everyday.
It doesn't help when there's no one around. Physically alone, and psychologically too.
Getting to sleep is already a nightmare. It gets even worse when I actually get nightmares. They never stop.
A couple of old pictures I've forgotten to upload.

Father's birthday. I ♥ father. I ♥ family.
I've been craving for a slice of cake eversince.

You're a scrub with an empty hole as a heart. You're everything I hate enveloped into one.
But it's all water off a duck's back. Everyone deserves a little forgiveness.
Too good too leave, too bad to stay.