I'm a very happy girl.
Mainly cause I'm going (seepicturebelow) next month.
With my boyfriend.
I was actually supposed to be downloading and uploading songs to his mp3 for him, activate his debit card and some more shit while he's asleep like a fat pig but I went around looking for tour packages instead.
And holy hell I'm excited as fuck.
You know I love you.
allowed entry at 3:10 am
1. My camera needs some lovin'.
In the context of a new lens lah, you sick bastards.
2. Get my hair done.
Trim, bleach, highlight.
3. Buy new music.
4. Bottoms up at (insertpubname) next weekend.
Imma get wasted I tell ya.
5. Fishing trips with the family.
I have no idea why they're into this fishing fad.
My bro has a perangai wak-wak already sia gi pancing. Then my dad got hooked into it also. Siao.
But all's in the name of fun. Plus I get to take nice pictures.
Which brings me back to point number 1. Nabey chi teng teng.
With that, I ask myself.
How to save money ah?
You know, the question that constantly crosses my mind is "why was money ever created?".
Look at the mess everybody's in. It's all because of money.
It's the source of all things evil.
If money wasn't created and if trading of goods still existed till today, we'd be living in peace I bet. There'd be no such thing as 'poverty'.
Everyone would have something to offer in return of something else they desire.
I don't know if the person who created money is a genius or a dumbass.
Really makes me think.
Oh yeah.
A number 6 to add on to my list.
Spend time with the bf.
Yes, he's back.