I think I live with this phrase etched in my mind.
You only live once.
Risks, consequences, fun.
What's life without them.
I've been spending waaaaay too much time with family and friends that I kinda forgot about this dying blog.
Point is, treasure the ones around you.
Cause you might not know when they're gonna go 'poof'.
School has been the bomb.
No assignments.
No listening-to-teacher-talk-long-long-till-I-mampos-from-boredom.
No holding of pen and paper to take down notes.
No... well, yeah. Nothing.
Just designing posters, playing around with tools, making ourselves at home in the lab, playing lame-ass games and talking smack with each other and talking to myself during lessons.
Fun shit.
But S&W today taught me something.
Friggin NAPFA next year, dammit.
Kay boring.
I find no point whatsoever when people blog about their day.
When they went out.
Where they went.
What they did.
Who they did it with.
What colour underwear they wore.
allowed entry at 9:30 pm
It all boils down to self-worth.
Knowing your own value and not to diminish the respect you have for yourself.
Unless you don't have any, then there's no doubt that it's really sad.
Look at yourself in the mirror, scrutinize yourself before judging others.
I don't care what people think of me, cause everyone has their own opinions.
No opinions are right and none are wrong either.
I don't have to fight just to prove I'm right, though I have all the urges in the world to do so.
I know myself better than anyone will ever do.
If you took pure Literature like I did, or even have common sense at all, you'd know that there's two sides to every story.
There's the bad and the good.
The pros, and also the cons.
Do not always think you're right.
Try putting yourselves in other's shoes, have empathy. Stop giving sympathy.
The paragraphs on top has got nothing to do with school/Event Management.So on an entirely different note, a lot of hoohah has been caused by what's been said in our blogs.
I have no idea why I'm always in a class that's always getting the attention of the school management.
I'm always in a class where people have things to prove to others.
All this reminds me of my secondary school life, 1/4, 2/4, 3/6 and 4/6.
The notorious classes of which the teachers are always complaining about, dreading to teach.
3/6 drove out a teacher once, made him a wreck and wanted to quit.
Which he did in the end, and I still wonder what happened to him.
Throughout the 4 years, teachers were crying, leaving abruptly and stuff. Funneehhhh.
But professionally speaking,
I'd have to give my sincere apologies to anyone and everyone who were hurt upon reading my blog, which I'm pretty sure no one was cause I was just trying to lift the spirits of my classmates of IEG.
And also thanks to Amir/Hafiza/Johnie/Telvin's group of Red Dot Productions, telling me that they hold no grudges.
I hope Girl Power Productions holds none too.
We all did good <33333323582524
And please don't let this get in the way of friendships. Dang it.
Happy to see that Mrs. Heng and Mrs. Jacqueline Tan knew how we felt.
I remember clearly, and will always remember when Mrs. Heng said and I quote "I'm going to shred the documents later and this case is closed.".
And oh, Mrs. Jacqueline Tan is by far the best class advisor I've had.
I have no idea what to write anymore.
And I'm not a formal kind of person so I don't know how to write a 'letter of apology'.
I bet no one's reading all this.
Kay ciao <3333
allowed entry at 2:23 pm
Our hard work.
Our blood.
Our sweat.
Our tears.
Our ideas.
Our presentation.
Our scripts.
Our proposal.
No help from facilitators.
No help from lecturers.
No help from anyone else apart from each other; having each other's back.
Now that's what you call
OUR PRIDE AND GLORY.Screw the ones who look down on us.
We know how to face the world.
We know what it's like to face challenges
on our own.We know what it's like to be alone, having your own two fucking feet to fucking stand on.
Who cares about the money.
Who cares about the competition.
We have experience.
We have each other.
We have pride.

We're independent.
allowed entry at 1:30 am

They give the best hugs.
But most importantly, the best laughters and smiles.
Meet Mr. Bonch.

James Bonch.
Walau I miss my Babi Gondol.
Yes you have a lot of nicknames, dickhead.
allowed entry at 10:20 pm
Today was the first day in donkey years where I decided to walk around alone without my trusty MP3.
Now it can't be trusted anymore cause it decided to die on me on the train at Orchard while I was on my way to school. Cheebai.
A fag in between my fingers and feet dragging with the stupid school uniform on and the familiar 'school smell'.
I looked all pathetic with a shagged face,
super slit eyes due to lack of sleep and long due lenses plus hair messed up like a mental patient.
Oooohh. No wonder people were staring at me -.-
A long, quiet, peaceful and uninterrupted walk has never felt so good.
But right now, all I wanna do is
Quite the contrary to having peace and tranquility. Hurh.
But seriously fuck, man.
Fuck school.
Fuck Event Planning.
Fuck National Day Celebrations.
Cancel the moshpit thing.
I just need a stress-free day-to-afternoon-to-evening-to-night out with my mates and a packet of fags.
Aku nak surprise korang lah eh, since korang rindu aku gilababifuckshitdamnbloodyhell kan.
Few days never see each other only, I get texts saying "Eh I miss you".
I know lah, people miss me very the easily.
Aaahhhhhh, otak kau ah Farr.

Eh. My sea-monkeys are having sex. Woo!
And yes, finally.
The motherfucking weekend has arrived.