I love Semakau Landfill.
allowed entry at 9:40 pm
I've actually been on a silent hiatus.
As if anyone cares if I went on hiatus or even died anyways.
Yes, my sea-monkeys have hatched.
But they're so fucking tiny.
Even tadpoles are a hundred times larger than the sea-monkeys. Right lijie?
I haven't really had time for friends or even myself for the past week or two.
Business Communication presentation, Marketing plan and presentation again and Event proposal and another presentation.
Even the dosage of my favourite Coffee Bean's Caramel Ice Blended can't help soothe my stress.
All these added up equals to pimples popping out of my face.
They're goddamn fucking itchy, I have no idea why.
URGH, can? cheebai kia.
THE EXAM coming up in 3 weeks.
I'm so doomed, good God, help me.
I think long ass bus rides are awesome to relax a messed up mind.
Try taking 197 from Queensway Shopping Centre,
at night.It's the longest bus ride I have ever sat my sorry ass on.
And it's not even the full journey.
So anyways, lower down your MP3's volume, hear the bus's engines running and look outside the window.
It's wooooooooooooooo relaxing.
Another relaxing spot I've set my foot on is of course,
Semakau Landfill.
I wouldn't have expected it to be that serene and pretty for a place that's a dumping ground for the rubbish Singaporeans throw away.
It looks more like ISG went to East Coast.
Speaking of which, goddammit, we have that blasted class bonding session on Tuesday. FUCK.I still haven't gotten the pictures yet.
People have really got to shut up.
Can you for once,
just once, shut the fuck up, stop criticising others and look at yourself in the goddamn mirror first?
It's bloody sickening and tiring my ears.
They're about to bleed.
My throat's already vomited blood.
Do you wanna see my ears bleed too?
I do too criticise, but there comes to a point where it's just too much.
And yours, darling, is way beyond the definition of 'too much'.
There's not a single picture of me being angry.
I should start taking angry pictures.
Till whenever, adios amigos.
Hidung kau ade hingos.
I know, lame. Shut up ah.
allowed entry at 10:47 pm
The engagement and wedding was quite a bore.
But I was saved cause I had 2 of my scandals with me.

Mr. Awalin Bin Idris

And Mr. Ilyas Reyhan Choa.
Ilyas was such a camwhore, he asked me to take pictures of;

his feet

his right hand

his left hand

and his sepet eye.
And he wanted me to take more photos with him the next day.

Cute piece of ass.
He wasn't this cute when I babysitted him when he was small.
And then this girl came by my house just now.
After her poor bf got sick.
Take care, dear LiJie XD

I think I'm in depression state again.
haha die. tsk.
allowed entry at 2:13 am
I love Reezan Nasharudin.
Eventhough he's an asshole to every girl in the world, except for me. ahahaha yeay.
Remember to treat me Burger King/Long John/KFC.
Stingy piece of shit.
And also your promise to buy me a new lip ring.
Monday beb, Mondaaaaaay.
Sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang Reezan hahaaha

allowed entry at 10:20 pm
Everyone's rubbing it in lah, idiooooooottttttttttttttttttttt.
Ohkay dah.
And I got so pissed that I was out of fags today.
But going home always cheers me up.
First, my parents have started talking again. haahahah cute pieces of asses.
Second, my dad was talking about err.. whoever in the world cares what he was talking about. But he suddenly went, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!"
My dad's the cutest.
Third, I was watching CNA yesterday and my mum popped her head out of her bedroom and asked me if Arsenal won against Blackburn.
Cause duh, she supports Arsenal even if I try my best to convert her to Liverpool hahaa
I said I didn't know, so she sat next to me and waited for the scrolling words thing at the bottom of the teevee screen to talk about the match.
Then it popped out, Arsenal 2 Blackburn 0.
Then she screamed with her bloody evil smile, "OH YAY! ARSENAL MENAAAANGGG! 5 POINTS AHEAD OF MAN U!"
Nabey, she was so proud ahaahaha
Open topic at the living room;
Sis-In-Law: My bill juuuust reached $40-$50, but my sister's bill reached till hundreds. I don't know whaaaat she does. Tsk.
Mum: Ah, same lah with this girl!
Farrr: Whaaaaaaat?! See who and where I'm calling laaaaaaah. And it's only once loh please -___-
Bro: Who'd you call? At where?
Mum: Syria! Call boyfriend! (while smiling like she's never smiled in her life before)
Sis-In-Law: Serious?!
Bro: Huh? What's he doing there?
Farrr: Studying.
Dad: No lah, he went there cause we're going into war with Bush. Then when Faisal comes back, his hair will turn green, blue, red, orange, like traffic light.
Just to be clear, we're not going into a war with Bush hahahah
I have cool parents.
allowed entry at 8:24 pm
What happens when things have taken a toll on you, and you just need a break?
1. Go to school and get a massage from a friend.
2. Talk bullshit and laugh for 5 hours in school.
3. Sing songs during lectures and also while on the way to a lecture. Which doesn't exist in the 1st place.
4. Grab some fags from friends.
5. Smile to strangers on your way home.
6. Stop by the library to get a good book.
7. Read the book to experience someone else's life. Step out of reality for just a moment to enter the realm of imagination.
8. Take the longest bath on Earth, like you haven't taken one in a gazillion years.
9. Talk on the phone with your best friend.
10. And in between steps 1 to 9, remember to smoke some fags.
Aaah, my 10 step guide to having a break.
Not that I needed one in the first place.
I was just bored out of my freaking mind.
And my thoughts were messed up. I still have no idea what was bugging me though -.-
People around me being sick isn't fun.
No fun at all.
Nabila, if you ever have to go into surgery, I swear to God I will fucking wait for you outside the door till you're done with the surgery.
If you get warded, I won't fucking go to school.
I'll be next to your bed, talking bullshit with you.
You probably can't talk, so I guess I'll just talk to myself. hahaha
But I hope you don't have to go through any of that shit.
I love you to the fucking core too, you know.

Random thoughts and
facts of the day;
1. I have an awesome family. Though they get so fucking annoying and may and will suck the life out of me.
2. I just noticed there's a bruise on my knee. Hideous, man.
3. My parents aren't talking to each other again. Cute, but not funny. Ohkay it's funny haha
4. I do not and will never ever look like my bf, eventhough practically everyone says so. I know what my face looks like, I know what his face looks like. We do not look the fucking same. Plus, I don't look like a guy and he doesn't look like a girl. Tsk.
5. I smell like a fruit. hahahahahaah -___-
allowed entry at 3:00 am
I swear to God, I love you to the fucking core.
Cross my heart and hope to die.
allowed entry at 2:51 am
I want my share of the birthday cake.
I want my green apple milk tea.
I want my cheese waffles.
I want my snickers.
I want my cheese balls.
I want my beef prosperity burger meal.
I want my curly fries.
I want my mac & cheese from Kenny Rogers.
I want new girl boxers.
I want new lip rings.
I want my dosage of Viceroy Menthol Light.
I want my shots of Vodka.
I want to get tattoos.
If only there were no
- Limitations
- Rules
- Fears
- Shortages
I'd be the happiest girl on the face of the Earth. Make that the entire fucking universe.
People's perception of being "happy" is really screwed up, I might say.
Life's too short for you to dwell on your unhappiness.
Don't limit yourself to doing everything by the book. For once, fuck theories. Dive into the practicals.
See me talk. See me laugh. See me being nonsensical. See me make fucking lame jokes.
It's just my way of not dwelling on the downside of my life.
And besides, what's there not to be happy about, knowing that you're never alone?
Surrounded by awesome friends, who are never tired of laughing along with you.
omfuck, I sound like I'm preaching.

I want this too.
allowed entry at 2:40 am
This blows.
I was looking forward for 050208 since last week.
And when the day came, I didn't go to school.
I wanted my share of the caaaaaakkeee!!! haahhaaha
You guys better post up pictures, or I'm not gonna talk to you guys ever again.
I merajuk, you know. Really. haha
Happy 18th, Ros, Sharie and Rauf!
Anytime, anywhere, anyplace, buy ciggys and a bottle of vodka for me, ohkay? haha
I miss you guys alot, surprisingly. haha ♥
And I won't be in school for 6 days, till next monday.
Yeah, I'm celebrating CNY with my cinonek family. hahaha
OTAKKAU. My mum noticed my puffy eyes. hurh.
I guess mums really do know what goes on in our lives.
I really can't hide stuff from her. Sucks, seriously.
She threw away all my lip rings that she found. Which explains why I don't use them anymore. God dammit.
And I've been too broke to buy new ones. Cheebai >=[
Things are pretty hectic and fucked up on my side.
How's about yours? =)
PS: Can someone, other than Apollo Star, tag my board?! He's flooding my booooaaarrrrddd! haaahhaaha kay lah sorry lah I love you lah, cheebai. haha
allowed entry at 10:35 pm
It's February the 3rd already.
1 month flew by wicked fast. Woo!
Sheen: We're out of order? You're out of order! This court is out of order! The vending machine in the gym is out of order!
Can I marry Sheen? =D
I think I'm at a point where I'm getting sick of myself.
I used to laugh when people said they do most of their thinking in the toilet.
Now, my mind really does work in the toilet. Weird.
And now when I think, I get sick of myself. Not that I hate myself though.
And I've concluded to always keep my mouth shut.
Information is the root to all evil.
It gets the better of me. I suck, man. Gah.
I'm in desperate need of a workout.

Unfortunately, my lighter never leaves my sight.
And I miss Faisal real bad =(